48" X 72" Mixed Media -
This painting was part of a show put on by the humanitarian organization HOPE: Helping Other People Everywhere. Visit this link for more info about The Light of Hope - http://hopecampaign.org/hopeevents/light-of-hope-series/
"Non-Stop Transitionen" - Self portrait by Douglas Rouse
45" X 45" Acrylic Latex covered with heavy layers of epoxy resin. This piece was part of a life-changing show in 2007 at the Rubbish Gallery in Colorado Springs and has been a cherished possession by the artist ever since.
"The Politics of Dancing" - by Douglas Rouse
36" X 72" Mixed Media - This painting was part of the "Gods and Monsters" show at the Manitou Art Center (then BAC) years ago in Colorado Springs which was part of the citywide exhibit "Cross-Pollination".
Art For Sale3
Please inquiry to douglas@rouse66.com about pricing.